شما باید تعداد خطوط آخرین ستونتون رو بهعنوان تعداد سطر در نظر بگیرید. یعنی عدد multirow
میبایست مطابق تعداد خطوط آخرین ستون باشد که قرار است ادغام صورت گیرد. با توجه به این نکته، کد شما بهصورت زیر میشود:
% after \\: \hline or \cline{col1-col2} \cline{col3-col4} ...
\textbf{Technique title} & \textbf{Most frequent sub-technique} & \textbf{Limitations} \\
\multirow{10}{2cm}{Judgmental technique} &\multirow{4}{2cm}{Supervisor estimates}& It heavily depends on managers’ opinions [3, 8] and it lacks accuracy [3]. \\
& & It often degenerates to some sorts of bargaining and is influenced by personal relations [8]. \\
& \multirow{6}{2cm}{Delphi method} & It has high dependency on experts’ opinions, which may not yield accurate estimations in the end [9]. \\
& & It can be a time-consuming process, requiring a substantial amount of costly execution time [9] \\
\multirow{12}{2cm}{Quantitative technique} &\multirow{12}{2cm}{Markov chain} & It is highly connected to mathematical aspects [19]. \\
& & It is linear in the sense that it does not incorporate feedback mechanism [9, 18]. \\
& & It extremely relies on sample size for statistical reasons in a way that the number of people in classes must be large; otherwise, transition probability estimates will tend to be unstable [18]. \\
& & It is not capable of interacting with its environment; for example, entry and exit of entities in a system cannot be easily modeled [9]. \\