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قرار بدید و جاهایی که متن پارسی دارید رو داخل محیط \rl{}
قرار بدید.
با این توضیحات، نمونهی کد شما به صورت زیر خواهد بود و باید بدون مشکل اجرا بشه:
Ph.D . Thesis Proposal
\textbf{Renewal Fields and its Application}
\rl{ما برای بودن آمدیم}
\large By
\textbf{Mansoor Karamzadeh}
\large Supervisors
\textbf{1 - Ahmad Reza Soltani}
\textbf{Shiraz University}
\textbf{2 - Heydar Ali Mardani-Fard}
\textbf{Yasouj University}
\textbf{Department of Statistics}
\textbf{Shiraz University}
\textbf{Shiraz , Iran.}
\textbf{Autumn 2017}
\subsection*{1 . Introduction}
Renewal and regenerative processes are models of stochastic phenomena in which an event (or combination of events) occurs repeatedly over time , and the times between occurrences are i.i.d . Models of such phenomena typically focus on determining limiting averages for costs or other system parameters , or establishing whether certain probabilities or expected values for a system converge over time , and evaluating their limits . More details are given in [9] and [18] .
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$[17]$ Janssen , J. , and J . M . Reinhard . " Some duality results for a class of multivariate semi-Markov processes. " Journal of Applied Probability 19 , no . 1 (1982) : 90-98 . \\
$[18]$ Karlin , Samuel . A first course in stochastic processes . Academic press , 2014 . \\
$[19]$ Masuda , Yasushi , and Ushio Sumita . " A multivariate reward process defined on a semi-Markov process and its first-passage-time distributions. " Journal of Applied Probability 28 , no . 2 (1991) : 360-373 . \\
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$[22]$ Pyke , Ronald , and Ronald Schaufele . " Limit theorems for Markov renewal processes. " The Annals of Mathematical Statistics (1964) : 1746-1764 . \\
$[23]$ Smith , Walter L . " II.—Asymptotic Renewal Theorems. " Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A : Mathematics 64 , no . 1 (1953) : 9-48 . \\
$[24]$ Smith , Walter L . " Regenerative stochastic processes. " In Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A : Mathematical , Physical and Engineering Sciences , vol . 232 , no . 1188 , pp . 6-31 . The Royal Society , 1955 . \\
$[25]$ Soltani , A . Reza . " Reward processes with nonlinear reward functions. " Journal of applied probability 33 , no . 4 (1996) : 1011-1017 . \\
$[26]$ Soltani , A . Reza , and K . Khorshidian . " Reward processes for semi-Markov processes : asymptotic behaviour. " Journal of applied probability 35 , no . 4 (1998) : 833-842 . \\
$[27]$ Tijms , Henk C . " Renewal‐Reward Processes. " A first course in stochastic models (2003) : 33-79.\\
$[28]$ Soltani , A . R. , and H . Ghasemi . " Semi-Markov and reward fields. " Statistics \& Probability Letters 95 (2014) : 71-76 . \\
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