چطور از طریق bibtex به روش IET مرجع دهی کنم؟ در سایتشون نمونه های قابل قبول را اینجوری اعلام کردن:
Journal article
Smith, T., Jones, M.: 'The title of the paper', IET Syst. Biol., 2007, 1, (2), pp. 1–7
Borwn, L., Thomas, H., James, C., et al.:'The title of the paper, IET Communications, 2012, 6, (5), pp 125-138
Conference paper
Jones, L., Brown, D.: 'The title of the conference paper'. Proc. Int. Conf. Systems Biology, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2006, pp. 1–7
Book, book chapter and manual
Hodges, A., Smith, N.: 'The title of the book chapter', in Brown, S. (Ed.): 'Handbook of Systems Biology' (IEE Press, London, 2004, 1st edn.), pp. 1– 7
Harrison, E.A., and Abbott, C.: 'The title of the book' (XYZ Press, New York, 2005, 2nd edn. 2006)