نمیدانم که آیا در قسمت فراخوانی بستههای فایل پایان نامه، بستهی maplestd2e
رو فراخوانی کردهاید یا خیر. اگر فراخوانی انجام نشده باید این فراخوانی انجام شود:
با نمونه کد زیر به نظر مشکلی وجود ندارد:
\begin{latin} \DefineParaStyle{Maple Heading 1} \DefineParaStyle{Maple Text Output} \DefineParaStyle{Maple Dash Item} \DefineParaStyle{Maple Bullet Item} \DefineParaStyle{Maple Normal} \DefineParaStyle{Maple Heading 4} \DefineParaStyle{Maple Heading 3} \DefineParaStyle{Maple Heading 2} \DefineParaStyle{Maple Warning} \DefineParaStyle{Maple Title} \DefineParaStyle{Maple Error} \DefineCharStyle{Maple Hyperlink} \DefineCharStyle{Maple 2D Math} \DefineCharStyle{Maple Maple Input} \DefineCharStyle{Maple 2D Output} \DefineCharStyle{Maple 2D Input} \begin{maplegroup} \begin{mapleinput} \mapleinline{active}{2d}{}{\[\]} \end{mapleinput} \end{maplegroup} \begin{maplegroup} \begin{mapleinput} \mapleinline{active}{2d}{with(Groebner); - 1}{\[ with( Groebner) \]} \end{mapleinput} \end{maplegroup} \begin{maplegroup} \begin{mapleinput} \mapleinline{active}{2d}{LT : = proc (f , T) RETURN(LeadingTerm(f , T)[1]*LeadingTerm(f , T)[2]) end proc; 1}{\[\]} \end{mapleinput} \mapleresult \begin{maplelatex} \mapleinline{inert}{2d}{LT : = proc (f , T) RETURN(Groebner:-LeadingTerm(f , T)[1]*Groebner:-LeadingTerm(f , T)[2]) end proc} {\\} {\[\displaystyle \\ {\it LT}\ , : = \,\textbf{proc} ( f, T) \\ \mapleIndent{1} \mathit{RETURN} (\mathit{Groebner:-LeadingTerm} (f,\,T)[1] \ast \mathit{Groebner:-LeadingTerm} (f,\,T)[2])\\ \textbf{end\ proc};\]} \end{maplelatex} \end{maplegroup} \begin{maplegroup} \begin{mapleinput} \mapleinline{active}{2d}{LT(x^2+y^2 , plex(x , y))}{\[{\it LT} \left( {x}^{2}+{y}^{2},{\it plex} \left( x,y \right) \right) \]} \end{mapleinput} \mapleresult \begin{maplelatex} \mapleinline{inert}{2d}{x^2}{\[\displaystyle {x}^{2}\]} \end{maplelatex} \end{maplegroup} \begin{maplegroup} \begin{mapleinput} \mapleinline{active}{2d}{divk1 : = proc (f , g) local r , q; r : = f; q : = 0; while degree(g) <= degree(r) and r <> 0 do q : = q+LT(r , plex(x))/LT(g , plex(x)); r : = r-LT(r , plex(x))*g/LT(g , plex(x)) end do; RETURN(q , r) end proc; 1}{\[\]} \end{mapleinput} \mapleresult \begin{maplelatex} \mapleinline{inert}{2d}{divk1 : = proc (f , g) local r , q; r : = f; q : = 0; while degree(g) <= degree(r) and r <> 0 do q : = q+LT(r , plex(x))/LT(g , plex(x)); r : = r-LT(r , plex(x))*g/LT(g , plex(x)) end do; RETURN(q , r) end proc} { \\ } {\[\displaystyle \\ {\it divk1}\ , : = \,\textbf{proc} ( f, g) \\ \textbf{local} \,r,\,q; \\ \mapleIndent{1} r\,:=\,f;\\ \mapleIndent{1} q\,:=\,0;\\ \mapleIndent{1} \textbf{while} \,\mathit{degree} (g) \geq \mathit{degree} (r) \ , \textbf{and} \ , r \ , <> \ , 0 \,\textbf{do}\\ \mapleIndent{2} q\,:=\,q + \mathit{LT} (r,\,\mathit{plex} (x)) \ast \mathit{LT} (g,\,\mathit{plex} (x))\hat{~}{-1};\\ \mapleIndent{2} r\,:=\,r-\mathit{LT} (r,\,\mathit{plex} (x)) \ast \mathit{LT} (g,\,\mathit{plex} (x))\hat{~}{-1} \ast g\\ \mapleIndent{1} \textbf{end\ do};\\ \mapleIndent{1} \mathit{RETURN} (q,\,r)\\ \textbf{end\ proc};\]} \end{maplelatex} \end{maplegroup} \begin{maplegroup} \begin{mapleinput} \mapleinline{active}{2d}{divk1(3*x^5+x^2+1 , 3*x); 1}{\[ \it divk1(3*x^5+x^2+1 , 3*x) \]} \end{mapleinput} \mapleresult \begin{maplelatex} \mapleinline{inert}{2d}{x^4+(1/3)*x , 1}{\[\displaystyle {x}^{4}+x/3,\,1\]} \end{maplelatex} \end{maplegroup} \begin{maplegroup} \begin{mapleinput} \mapleinline{active}{2d}{}{\[\]} \end{mapleinput} \end{maplegroup} \begin{maplegroup} \begin{mapleinput} \mapleinline{active}{2d}{}{\[\]} \end{mapleinput} \end{maplegroup}
و خروجی:
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