کد مورد نیاز برای رسم جدول:
\caption{CQs in Convex Optimization Summary of New Connections}
\multicolumn{5}{|c|}{\textbf{Without convexity of $g_j,\,j=1, 2, \ldots, m$}} \\ \hline
Robinson's CQ & $\Leftrightarrow$ & Slater and Nodegeneracy Condition & $\Rightarrow$ & G-S strong CHIP \\
$\Downarrow\not\Uparrow$ & & $\Downarrow\not\Uparrow$ & & $\Downarrow\not\Uparrow$ \\
Nodegeneracy Condition & & Slater Condition & $\Rightarrow$ & Strong CHIP \\
$\not\Downarrow\not\Uparrow$ & & $\not\Downarrow\not\Uparrow$ & & \\
G-S strong CHIP & & G-S strong CHIP & & \\ \hline
\multicolumn{5}{|c|}{\textbf{With convexity of $g_j,\,j=1, 2, \ldots, m$}} \\ \hline
Slater Condition & $\Rightarrow$ & Nodegeneracy Condition & $\not\Rightarrow$ & Slater Condition \\
Slater Condition & $\Leftrightarrow$ & Robinson's CQ & $\Rightarrow$ & G-S strong CHIP \\ \hline