برای رسم شکل زیر:

این کد رو نوشتم:
\settextfont{XB Yas}
\settextfont[Scale = 1.0 , Extension = .ttf ]{Yas}
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round]
\node[circle, inner sep=0pt, label={[inner sep=0pt]above:{}}] (A) at (0, 0.2) {};
\node[circle, inner sep=0pt, label={[inner sep=0pt]above:{}}] (B) at (-2.33, 0.2) {};
\node[circle, inner sep=0pt, label={[inner sep=0pt]above:{}}] (C) at (-3.67, 0.2) {};
% Draw the axis line
\draw[{Classical TikZ Rightarrow[length=2mm]}-{Classical TikZ Rightarrow[length=2mm]}] (-4.5, 0) -- (1.5, 0);
% Draw integer ticks and labels
\foreach \x in {-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1}
\draw (\x, 0.2) -- (\x, 0) node[below] {$\x$};
% Divide the space between integers into thirds
\foreach \x in {-3.67,-3.33,-2.67,-2.33,-1.67,-1.33,-0.67,-0.33,0.33,0.67}
\draw (\x, 0.1) -- (\x, 0);
% Draw curved path
(A) edge[bend right] node [left] {} (B)
(B) edge[bend right] node [left] {} (C);
ولی خروجی زیر رو میگیرم و اعداد فارسی نیست.

چطور میشه مشکل رو حل کرد؟