کدهای تصویر شما مطابق زیر است:
\draw (-2,0) circle [radius=1] node {$C_p$};
\draw (0,0) circle [radius=1] node {$C_q$};
\coordinate (A) at (-1,0) ;
\node at (A) [right = 1mm of A] {$u$};
\node at (A) {$\bullet$};
\node at (A) [below= 15mm of A] {$B(p,q)$};
\draw (3,0) circle [radius=1] node {$C_p$};
\draw (8,0) circle [radius=1] node {$C_q$};
\coordinate (a) at (4,0) ;
\node at (a) {$\bullet$};
\node at (a)[above right =.2mm of a]{$u$};
\coordinate (b) at (5,0);
\node at (b)[above right =.2mm of b]{$u_l$};
\node at (b) {$\bullet$};
\coordinate (c) at (6,0) ;
\node at (c) {$\bullet$};
\node at (c)[above=.3mm of c]{$u_{l-1}$};
\coordinate (d) at (7,0);
\node at (d) {$\bullet$};
\node at (d)[above left =.1mm of d]{$v$};
segment length=.8cm}] (a) -- (b);
segment length=.8cm}] (b) -- (c);
segment length=.8cm}] (c) -- (d);
\node at (a) [below right= 20mm of a] {$B(p,q,l)$};
خروجی زیر را دریافت میکنید:
موفق باشید.